Friday, 12 July 2013

Beta den

Hey guys! One Jammers told me that too bad there is only one picture of beta den. Well, I have found few of them and decided to show them to you. As you can see on the picture, den was much bigger and had one or even more floors. I don't know is this Jammer on the picture a member or a nonmember, but it has stuff that nowdays members can only have, but I have found another picture of beta clothes and compared it with nowdays clothes. As you can see, items that members can buy nowdays was for nonmembers in beta times, except tiara, which is still for nonmembers.


  1. These pictures? THESE PICTURES ARE AMAZING. I'm so amazed you found such good pictures of Beta Dens!! Where'd you find them? They're so cool.

    Even though I was in the Beta Days, I never once saw this den. XD So it's new to me, too! -113457

    1. Thanks! :D I don't remember where I've found them, I just googled on Google Pictures and I saw lot of pictures, I saved some of them and put them together. ;)

  2. ok ppl comment if they should bring beta den back and a few things like a secret shop of betas plz plz plz find pics too i so want headdress nr plz comment and jag me if u will give me it im kitkattopthatt

  3. is a pink plum tree a den beta
